blazers, blazers, blazers... they are different to most other high tops, defined by their rigid upright heel patch. at first they may look uncomfortable to wear, if you weren't wearing high enough socks they could rub against the back of your heel. i would say this would probably be true for the cream coloured, pink eyelet panel with maroon laces blazers that i have(pic. 3). i have actually never worn this pair, i paid a stupid AUD$200 for them and decided after i got them that they were too horrendously coloured to pair with any piece of clothing. however my black ones, with the bright yellow laces and white swoosh are one of my staple shoes. i often wear them sockless, and because of their parachute material it gives the shoe alot of flexibility - easy for dancing in! i got these black blazers for only AUD$80, i managed to get them in the biggest kid size from foot locker in perth so they were way cheaper:D
the second pic features the nike blazer hi electrolime, they came out in december last year and i think has the sickest colourway for a blazer. i love the black border detail above the heel, on the midsole. really cool, never seen these in any store though. i can't say blazers have the most appealing structure or look about them but if nike were to come out with more colourways like the electrolime i would definitely be interested in seeking more out...